
Chloe Hart and Geneviève Dussault in Sarah Dell'Ava's O, photo by Vanessa Fortin

Sarah Dell’Ava


OCTOBER 13, 2022 - 6PM TO 9PM

OCTOBER 16, 2022 - 2PM À 5PM

Sarah Dell'Ava

O Workshop

Based on the circular choreography of Sarah Dell’Ava’s O project, this communal moment experienced through dance proposes “dancing games” as a meeting ground with the work, but more importantly with each other and the energy that flows through all of us. For all between 9 and 99 years old, this poetic exploration invites us to celebrate what differentiates and unites human beings.

Minimum: 10 participants. Maximum: 30 participants.

180 minutes

Sarah Dell’Ava explores the connections between art, body, psyche, and spirituality. For ten years, she advanced through the chorographic polyptych ORIRI-ORIR-ORIOR-O-O2 (2012-2022) in search of the origin: where does movement come from, where do we come from, what is our source? Working with varied community groups, Sarah leads creative explorations, including La trace de ceux qui ont marché (Danse-Cité), En secret and En rêve (Agora de la danse). She also co-facilitates cultural mediation at Circuit-Est and with Berceurs du temps. A co-founder of Espace Oriri, she offers intergenerational workshops where creativity serves self-awareness. Since 2016, she has dedicated herself to the practice of Authentic Movement, which she passionately facilitates in Québec and Switzerland. Sarah is forever seeking to express the wonder of our incarnation: the matter of the body, its layers of memories, its beauty. How does this density share itself, transmit itself, make itself poetry? Can we develop new community models based on shared interiority and expressions of empathy?