OFFTA 2019

1, 2, maybe 3 + Laborious Song

The Wilder

JUNE 1ST, 2019 - 8:30PM

JUNE 2ND, 2019 - 3PM

Daina Ashbee

Laborious Song

In Laborious Song, Daina Ashbee explores movements in order to break down layers of resilience, uncovering vulnerable shapes, forms and bodies. Using repetition to insist, to reach points of trance and transformation; to evoke rhythm while manifesting energetic states and asking both performer and audience to endure. The act of physical labour leads the work to places of pleasure and climax, abandoning our frameworks and radiating in intimate play.

This is the first presentation of a solo exploration of what will become a full-length duet between Benjamin Kamino and Pieter Ampe.

40 min.

Creation Daina Ashbee

Performed by Benjamin Kamino

In collaboration with Pieter Ampe

Lighting Design Karine Gauthier

Photo Pieter Ampe by David Flores Rubio

With the support of Conseil des arts du Canada

Creative residencies La Briqueterie/Circuit-Est Centre Chorégraphique (FR), fabrik – Potsdam (DE), Nuuk Nordic Culture Festival (GL), CEPRODAC (MX), Bad Lemons (DE)

Jean Bui + Sydney McManus

1, 2, maybe 3

Measuring the mundane. Two bodies working to coexist in close proximity. The convergence of forms within fabrics to the point where ownership of each part is unclear. Unforeseen complexities emerge when plans become actions. The overlapping of decisions creates constraints. Yielding to each other’s choices to find compromise, but ultimately over-complicating the simple.

30 min.

Choreography and performance Jean Bui, Sydney McManus

Outside Eye Nate Yaffe

Set and costume design Pénélope & Chloë

Photo and video teaser Jean Bui

With the support of Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec

Creative residencies Compagnie Marie Chouinard, Danse à la Carte, Tangente

A copresentation with