Le tératome

JANUARY 24. 25. 26 | 7:30PM


« I’m sure we’ve been through this before Can’t you hear me, I’m beating on your wall? Can’t you hear me, I’m bleeding on the wall? Can’t you see me, I’m pounding on your door? » -The Walkmen, « The Rat »

This piece will deal with the body’s encounter with disease. How can we transpose, into human terms and into a unique choreographic language, the reality of disease, of spasms and convulsions, of the loss of consciousness and the slowing down of movement? To create a physical language whose points of reference are the different stages of this transformation that the “Teratoma” inflicts on our body, our emotional state and our loved ones. To graphically display this body in it’s many different states. How are we affected by this “monster” that is eating away at us from the inside? This ultimate battle in the face of death can reveal a peaceful disposition than we could not have imagined. Will our last breath, as it is tearing us away from life, contain poetry, gentleness and serenity? This breath makes its way and comes to reveal the chemistry between light, music and movement.

Le tératome

Frédéric Tavernini / Clovek & The 420

50 minutes

« I’m sure we’ve been through this before Can’t you hear me, I’m beating on your wall? Can’t you hear me, I’m bleeding on the wall? Can’t you see me, I’m pounding on your door? » -The Walkmen, « The Rat »

Cette pièce porte sur la rencontre du corps avec la maladie. Comment transposer le « langage humain » de la maladie, les spasmes, les convulsions, la perte de conscience, la lenteur des mouvements, en une gestuelle unique. Créer un langage corporel ayant pour repère les différents paliers de cette transformation que le « Tératome » fait subir à notre corps, notre affectif, nos proches. Mettre ce corps en évidence sous la lumière dans tous ces états. Comment sommes nous affectés par ce « monstre » qui nous ronge de l’intérieur. Ce dernier combat face à la mort que nous livrons nous révèle parfois un visage bien plus apaisé que nous pouvons l’imaginer. Lors de notre dernier souffle, celui-ci reste t-il empreint de poésie, de douceur, d’apaisement, de sérénité, celui-là même qui nous arrache à la vie. Ce souffle naît du son trouve son chemin afin de révéler cette chimie entre lumière, musique et mouvement.

General concept, direction, choreography : Frédéric Tavernini
Creation and performance : Anne Thériault, Frédéric Tavernini
Composer and musician on stage : Jean-François Laporte
Lighting and technical direction : Alexandre Pilon Guay
Stage design : _atelier barda
Production : Frédéric Tavernini / Clovek & The 420
Coproduction : Productions Totem Contemporain (TBC)
Recidencies : Fou Glorieux, Espace Marie Chouinard
With the support of : Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec

This analysis of the body’s behaviour in the face of death will be broken down into three aspects :

-The study of the palliative stages of the disease (spasms, loss of consciousness, convulsions, tests, etc…) will suggest a form of movement in order to create the choreography. – The musical composition will constitute the pulse of the piece, and through the nature of the objects used as musical instruments – metallic tubes, plastic pipes, and compressed air – a post-operation feel will be given to the action taking place in front of the audience. -The lighting design will give us the opportunity to be immersed in a three-dimensional environment at the heart of the Teratoma.

These embodied forms, conceived as autonomous cells, establish a duality in order to generate the chemistry of a duo, allowing the audience member to be in the rhythm of its perception and displacements. The space will be arranged in such a way as to allow many different perspectives from the audience members, themselves on stage and able to move as they wish.