OFFTA 2019

sun sets + Pathetic Fallacy

The Wilder

MAY 29, 2019 - 8:30PM

MAY 30, 2019 - 3PM

Anita Rochon | The Chop

Pathetic Fallacy

Using a tempermental broadcast green screen, this piece takes on a changing relationship to weather. Landscape painting, ancient weather gods and meteorological science come together in this curious and hopeful work. Grappling with the politics of existence, Anita Rochon set herself a challenge: create a touring work where no one goes on tour. A local stand-in takes on the central role with no previous instruction.

Performance in English

60 min.

Direction and text Anita Rochon

Dramaturgy Sarah Stanley

Outside eye Mark Chavez, Emelia Symington Fedy

Lighting design Itai Erdal

Projection design Candelario Andrade, Milton Lim

Production The Chop

Photo Peter Pokorny

Video teaser Jordan Lloyd Watkins

With the support of Conseil des arts du Canada, City of Vancouver

Creative residencies Farnham Maltings (UK)

Pathetic Fallacy was originally commissioned by Theatre Replacement as part of a COLLIDER residency

Sam Bourgault + Magali Casaubon + Emma Forgues + Isabella Leone + Madeline Joyce Smart + Leyla Sutherland + Eryn Tempest

sun sets

If the sunset was a song would it be an ambient drone track or a musical’s grand finale? From a lawn chair overlooking the vista, sun sets contemplates the relationships between the real and the artificial, time and the built environment. A playful and poetic collage of constructed sunsets, assembled through theatrical, virtual and imaginary means. A performance for those who have and have not watched the sun set recently.

30 min.

Cocreation and performance Sam Bourgault, Magali Casaubon, Emma Forgues, Isabella Leone, Madeline Joyce Smart, Leyla Sutherland, Eryn Tempest

Game and sound design Sam Bourgault, Emma Forgues

Dance Magali Casaubon

Visual conception and direction Isabella Leone

Text and frontperson Madeline Joyce Smart

Dramaturgy and lighting design Leyla Sutherland

Choreography Eryn Tempest

Photo Sam Bourgault, Elias Touil, Camille Bédard

Video teaser Sam Bourgault, Emma Forgues, Cedric Laurenty

Creative residency Carrefour culturel de Notre-Dame-des-Prairies

A copresentation with