Gui B.B

MAY 31 & JUNE 1, 2024 - 7PM
JUNE 2, 2024 - 3PM
Pay-what-you-can tickets at the door
Annual artistic event created on the edge of the Festival TransAmériques (FTA), OFFTA is a festival dedicated to emerging avant-garde creation in live arts. Since 2007, it scans the local artistic landscape in order to highlight creators whose projects trace new avenues in theatre, dance, and performance. The OFFTA grounds its identity on an artistic direction that favors solid and singular approaches, emerging practices, and experimentation.
CONTENT WARNING: nudity, knife, strong vibrations, loud music
Gui B.B
I Have Such a Horrible Voice
In a long spectral corporeal poem, Gui B.B engages in a complex exploration of her experience with debt. She delves into how it is both endured and fought within her own body. The artist establishes a symbolic trans space where she reclaims ambiguity, uncertainty, hyper-vulnerability, and chaos. Thus, she invites us into a haunted space where she confronts the inherent precarity of her indebted life, transforming it into a vital force. Along the way, she exudes her own ghost, offering her body as a sacrifice as it fails to be more than just a system.
Creation, artistic direction and performance Gui B.B
Sound design and performance Jad Mroue
Glass pieces Geneviève Feuillard
Outside eye, dramaturgical advice and clairvoyance Ellen Furey
Reflecting on performance as a worldbuilding practice, Gui B.B unfolds undisciplined performative statements where theatricality, irony, and the voice emerge as key materials. By engaging in various forms of kinships while exploring a reclaiming dramaturgy of the body, her process brings forth new constellations, potential reconfigurations of dominant narratives. In a profusion of gesture-objects, she creates spaces where the audience can experience nonsense, an eruption of alterations to normative identifications. It is within baroque spaces that she imagines playful “trans-fictions”, poetic narratives where a dissident mythology is crafted.