Forum «Un Nous à bâtir»

Nasim Lootij © Narcisse E. Esfahani
The Wilder

OCTOBER 12, 2017 | 10AM TO 3:30PM

OCTOBER 13, 2017 | 10AM TO 4PM

Name your price : $10, $25 or $50

Lunch & snacks included


Alterity in contemporary dance and theatre

The forum “Un Nous à bâtir” initiated by festival Altérité, pas à pas ! invites artists, cultural workers and organizations from the theatre and dance milieu to discuss the stakes of alterity in artistic creation and presentation.
On the first day, we will explore existing practices, projects and inclusive models based on the experience of our panelists.
On the second day, participants will identify actions and recommendations to establish an “Us” that reflects our plural reality.


October 12

Panel 1

  • Ana Pfeiffer – Actress, stage director and pedagogue
  • Karla Etienne – Associate director, performer and teacher at Zab Maboungou / Compagnie Nyata-Nyata
  • Kym Dominique Fergusson – Artistic director of Madpoetix Productions
  • Leticia Vera –Performer, choreographer and teacher

Panel 2

  • Dena Davida Ph.D. – Curator and educator at Tangente, researcher 
  • Majdi Abou Matar – Stage director, founder and artistic director of MT Space Festival IMPACT 17 (Waterloo, Ontario)
  • Michael Toppings – General and artistic director of MAI (Montréal, arts interculturels)

Panel 3

  • Isabel dos Santos – Actress and manager of the Mosaïque committee of Union des artistes
  • Jérôme Pruneau Ph.D. – General director of Diversité Artistique Montréal
  • Marta Massana – Doctoral student and research assistant in cultural relations (LABRRI, UdeM), adjunct research professor (Téluq), member of the partenariat d’analyse sur les professions réglementées : inclusion, citoyenneté, accès.
  • Mona Abdallah Ph.D. – Teacher in Cultural approaches to the visual arts (UQÀM)

October 13

Workshop and elaboration of recommendations for inclusive practices in creation and presentation.

Financial support

In co-presentation with